All members of the Christ Church Cathedral community have access to guidance, support, pastoral care, and sacramental ministry during times of sickness, need, or transition, both from the clergy and from others in the community. As the body of Christ, we are called to “bear one another’s burdens as we share in the ministry of the apostles’ teaching and fellowship.” To learn about care for those in emotional and spiritual need, ministries for the homebound, and healing ministries, please contact the Reverend Mary McCarthy.

Healing prayer Ministry

Jesse Tree ministry

Paws and Claws Ministry

Eucharistic Visitor Ministry

Prayer List Ministry

The ongoing 128-year history of praying the Prayers of the People prayer list continues every Sunday and at the Midday Holy Eucharist. To add someone to the prayer list please contact Anzora Lee-Starks. The Cathedral also participates in the annual Diocesan Day of Prayer. 

Recovery Ministry

The “Many Paths” Recovery Ministry meets on Zoom on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. The program is in reference to Bill W., the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, who once observed: “There are many paths to recovery.” The Recovery Ministry is open to wisdom from a variety of traditions and sources. Contact the Reverend Richard Wineland for more information.

Prayer Shaw Ministry

birthday card ministry

Letters of Thanks Ministry

Thank you notes are generated for donations to the Cathedral in memory of a parishioner who has died, along with notification to the family of the deceased.