Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
“The Youth Advisory Council is a group of youth and adults who call and equip the congregation to do all in its power to support the youth in their life in Christ.”
You’ve heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it takes a Church to raise up Christian youth! Youth ministry is not just for youth pastors, but is a vocation for the whole Church, which, in the Baptismal Covenant, promises to help young people “grow into the full stature of Christ” (BCP 302.)
For that reason the Cathedral has assembled a Youth Advisory Council (YAC) composed of people who represent a cross-section of our community: parents and non-parents, married and not married, younger and older, lay and clergy. These volunteers have discerned a call to contribute to God’s kingdom by offering their wisdom and insight, their time and their talents to help guide the youth ministry at Christ Cathedral as we seek God’s direction for young disciples of Jesus.
The Youth Advisory Council is…
Kathleen Gant, Chair
Alison Bocking, Director of Youth Ministries (Ex officio)
Madelynn Roche, Youth Coordinator
The Reverend Madeleine Rebouché
Amy Brewer
Kathryn Thompson
Mary Ward